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Why Choose Remington Tree Service

When you need a tree trimmed or removed in Remington, Goodland, Kentland, Rensselaer, Monticello or Lafayette, Indiana areas, you have many choices — including possibly doing it yourself. But consider why choosing Remington Tree Service (RTS) is a wise decision.

Bucket truck in foreground, cutting tree in background


Any landowner with a chainsaw could be forgiven for being tempted to fell a large tree themselves. And maybe you could. But can you do it safely without risking damage to yourself, your yard, or nearby buildings? Kenny Graf at Remington Tree Service has the equipment and knowledge to take that tree down in a controlled fashion without you having to risk life, limb, or property. (All it takes is watching some Youtube videos on the subject to see how quickly things can go wrong!)


Right Size

Kenny is not just a hired man for a large company nor is he just some fly-by-night guy with a chainsaw. Remington Tree Service strikes the right balance: a professional arborist who has invested extensively in the equipment to do the job right without being so large that the price becomes unreasonable. RTS is small enough to care while being big enough to handle almost any size job at a reasonable cost.


You’ll be amazed at how well your property is cleaned up after the job is done. Kenny prides himself on leaving your property as clean as he found it. All the logs, limbs and small branches are loaded into a large dump truck and hauled away. Small twigs and debris are raked up and disposed of. Chainsaw chippings will be swept off of your driveway, sidewalks, roof, and patio, as applicable. When Kenny is done, other than the missing trees, it will look like Remington Tree Service was never even there!


If Kenny is in the middle of taking a tree down, he may not be able to take your call right then, but you’ll get called back quickly — usually that same day. Remington Tree Service bends over backwards to be responsive to their customers. You’ll get an estimate from Kenny or Sophie quickly, even if the actual work must be scheduled out a ways based on the current customer backlog.


This tree service company is Kenny Graf’s dream and it is how he and Sophie are supporting their growing family. Kenny appreciates these Indiana communities and desires to build long-term relationships with landowners. That is reflected in the care he takes while working on your property. For instance, if the tree is located in a nice yard, Remington Tree Service has special ground mats that he’ll put down to protect the grass from heavy trucks and skid steer travel. If you don’t want any gashes in the yard, he can attach ropes to the large limbs to gently lower them down. And great care is taken to protect your home, outbuildings or other properties.



Felling trees properly, climbing them safely, rigging limbs down carefully, and figuring out the best equipment for doing so — it is a lot to learn. That’s why homeowners should think twice about doing it themselves. Kenny loves to learn so even though after felling hundreds of trees he could rightly be considered an expert arborist, he still enjoys researching new and improved techniques and gear so he can serve RTS customers better and be even more efficient.


If you are a homeowner with close neighbors or a commercial property with tenants, you’ll appreciate Remington Tree Service’s consideration for keeping things as quiet as possible when cutting down trees and cleaning up the brush. In these situations, Kenny uses electric chain saws which are much quieter than gas powered saws – but just as powerful. RTS also does not use a wood chipper. These are gratingly loud and really wear on people who are living or working nearby. Instead, RTS loads up and hauls away all the debris. Your family or neighbors will thank you for choosing Remington Tree Service!


Price Flexibility

As a small business working in a largely rural Indiana market, Remington Tree Service pricing is reasonable from the get-go. But for price-sensitive customers, Kenny and Sophie offer options that can save you money. For instance, it costs less to drop a tree and then limb it, versus rigging a tree down where it is taken down piece by piece. Or if you want to help with limbing that can save you some money. And while Kenny normally hauls away all the lumber, if you want it disposed on your property, that can also save you some. The point is, RTS will work with you to provide an estimate that fits your budget.


Call or Email us for a no-hassle estimate

Remington Tree Service looks forward to your call or Email. Please be aware that if Kenny is in the middle of cutting up a tree that you may need to leave a message. He will call you right back! If you reach out via Email or this form, we strive to reply within one business day.

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6876 E 800 N

Remington, IN 47977

© 2023 by Remington Tree Service

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